Students will explore the foundational skills of drawing, focusing on the building blocks that bring visual art to life. The class will cover essential techniques such as the use of line, form, light, and shading. Students will engage in a variety of drawing exercises, including still life, figure drawing, and self-portrait work. They will also experiment with different drawing styles, from realistic depictions to more abstract approaches, broadening their artistic expression.
Key Topics
Basics of Line: Understanding line quality, contour, and gesture.
Form & Structure: How to create depth and dimension using shapes and proportions.
Light & Shading: Techniques for rendering light and shadow to give form and realism.
Still Life Drawing: Capturing objects from observation, focusing on composition and perspective.
Figure Drawing: Introduction to human anatomy and proportions in drawing.
Self-Portrait: Exploring identity and expression through personal representation.
Drawing Styles: Experimenting with realistic, abstract, and other drawing styles to understand the range of artistic possibilities.
By the end of the session, students will have a strong grasp of fundamental drawing techniques and an appreciation for various styles of artistic expression
$130.00 for all four sessions
Ages 14+
Art Hive Creative Reuse and Art Center
835 Spring Hill Road
Staunton, 24401
Jan 17, 2025
02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
Register Here(540) 218-5321
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