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Where Girlfriends Gather: Your Guide to the Ultimate Women’s Weekend in Staunton 

Women’s Month is a recognition of women’s contributions to history, culture, and society that occurs each March. However, we need more than a single month to fully appreciate and celebrate female accomplishment. Staunton’s reputation as a welcoming, unique, economically successful, and forward-thinking city is greatly enhanced by its female business owners.

Here’s a list of Staunton’s female-owned and female co-owned businesses as well as what’s happening in Staunton this weekend at the Third Annual Valley Women’s Weekend.

Third Annual Valley Women’s Weekend

This weekend (March 7-9) marks the Third Annual Valley Women’s Weekend, designed to  celebrate, amplify, and promote businesses operated and owned by women. Budding entrepreneurs will find support and expert advice leadership, networking, and growth to help them develop their new businesses.

Event Lineup

Valley Women Collab

Valley Women Collab is a new organization that seeks to elevate and celebrate the Staunton-area female-led business community by providing its members with education, resource libraries, business directories, community meetups, networking opportunities, and much more.

Support Staunton’s Female-Owned and Female Co-Owned Businesses

Here’s a list of female-owned and female-co-owned businesses operating in Staunton that was put together by the Downtown Staunton Unofficial Facebook group.

Female-Owned Businesses in Staunton

Celebrate Staunton’s female-led businesses this month and all year long!

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