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Celebrate Women’s Day in Staunton

(Published 03/02/2023)

This year, Staunton will celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month locally with a pop-up Women’s Day event downtown on March 11. The event will showcase the work of local artists, storytellers, performers, and more. 

Event organizers hope the public will “celebrate, support, and amplify the impact women have on our community by attending this one-day event to learn, explore, buy, and experience the talents and treasures that’ll be showcased throughout town.” Here’s how to participate.

What is Women’s Day?

National Women’s Day was first observed in 1909 following a strike by NYC garment workers protesting poor working conditions. Later, in 1977, The United Nations recognized International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day calls for work toward gender equality and celebrates the achievements of women around the world. In the U.S., it’s part of Women’s Month, a recognition of women’s contributions to history, culture, and society that occurs each March.

Staunton Event Highlights

Here are some fun pop-ups and activities visitors can expect from the Queen City Women’s Day event. Most pop-ups will happen between noon and 5 p.m. Check social media for additions and updates. 

  • An Art Market at Redbeard Brewing (noon- 5 p.m.) will feature:
    • Jewelry by Jen Kidd of Pretty Pretty
    • Vintage clothing and purses by Grace Hungerford
    • Vintage clothing by Jenn Henderson
    • Botanical designs by Leslie Geer
    • Jewelry by Alex aka “P-Nut”
    • Hand-painted garden signs by Crissy Fales
    • Sustainable Fashion Retail by Community Culture Thrift Exchange
    • Salad pop-up by Rachael Harris
  • Redbeard Brewing will also host the Queen City Women’s Day After Party with The Hot Mamas Trio (9-11 p.m.)
  • Amanda Shrader Photography will be hosting a POP up Ciders From Mars with CCTE tops paired with #theskirtproject mission.
  • Refill will be having a special sidewalk sale. Meet the folks from Kenkashi and purchase a compost starter kit and enter their 50/50 Drawing supporting New Directions Center, Inc.!
  • See performances at Silver Line Theatre Exchange by Sarah Koerner and Deb Seif, Kalela Williams, Skylar Wampler, Diana Black and more! The show starts at 2:30 and admission is free! They will also have a pop-up art shop, kids’ activity, and snacks and drinks for purchase.
  • Visit the Arcadia Project at Blair Made to purchase a piece of history or take a tour of the historic theater to check out their progress.

How can I support Staunton’s Female-Owned Businesses?

You can also get involved by buying products or services from local female-owned businesses. Here are lists of female-owned and female-co-owned businesses operating in Staunton. The lists were put together by the Downtown Staunton Unofficial Facebook group.

Female-owned Businesses in Staunton

Female Co-Owned Businesses in Staunton

Female Business Controllers in Staunton

Staunton’s Notable Women

  • Rita Wilson, Staunton’s first Black councilwoman and vice mayor, served the community for 16 years. She is remembered fondly for her work toward solving community problems.  Wilson strove to be a community leader and speak for the underrepresented.
  • Mary Baldwin graduated as valedictorian from Augusta Female Seminary in 1846. She took over the school’s leadership in 1863, and her skills as a businesswoman and administrator saved it from financial distress. She also revamped the curriculum to elevate it to the level of a university. It came to be “considered one of the most distinguished for young women in the southern states.”
  • Edith Bolin Wilson was President Woodrow Wilson’s second wife.  After a stroke left him bedridden, she helped manage his office. She is known for saving manpower during WWI by letting sheep graze on the White House lawn. The former first lady later worked to establish the Woodrow Wilson Birthplace and Presidential Library.

If you’d like to learn more Staunton’s notable women, see Women’s History in Staunton.

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